Xuannha Truong Vo (Nha)

woman stares off camera for a portrait

Xuannha Truong Vo (Nha)

Community Health Manager, APANO

Nha recieved a scholarship from Vietnam to study abroad and started her education at Oregon City High School. After that, she moved to Portland and fell in love with Oregon, making it her home for more than 15 years. Nha’s educational background is in Public Health and Nursing. 

Like many other immigrant families in the U.S., her family had to go through many obstacles for a stable life. She believes that where people end up is not dependent on where they began in life.  Nha enjoys working with people and connecting them with resources to achieve their needs. She focuses her work on health programs at APANO such as Reducing Cervical Cancer in Vietnamese Women with OHSU Knight Cancer Institute, Covid Vaccine Clinics with Oregon Health Authority and PCC.